Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day 02.21.11

Hey family.

This week was ok. We didn´t baptize anyone. Here is the update on who we are teaching. Geovanny and Vera are progressing well, but we found out they aren´t married on Saturday. So we are going to have to have a little chat with them. Geovanny wants to be baptized when he feels he is ready. We set the goal for March 5th, but that could change if we have problems with marriage. I hope this isn´t too big of a hurdle. I am praying that it will be work out.

Italo...oh Italo. We are giving him the last chance message this week. We are marking one more baptismal date with him, and we will see how it goes. He is living all of the commandments that we have taught him, except the Sabbath day. It is frustrating. I have been pretty bold with him and he understands where we stand, but I can´t figure out what his doubts or concerns are about Sunday. I really really want to baptize him. I have put so much work into him. We started teaching him when I got here in Parnaíba and I don´t want to see all the work go to waste. It is tough for me to see that happen. Please pray for him and me and my comp that we can say the things we need to and be the right instruments.

And it does seem like we are able to help people to progress down here easier than the United States. The people are just ready here in Brazil. They are humble and just really nice. You can talk to anyone for 2 minutes and be their friend. I remember in Oregon and I am sure all over the US people just slam the door in your face and don´t even give it a chance. I have only been rejected here maybe 3 times. Everyone gives you a chance and hears our message. The big problem here is retention. It is hard to get the `Endure to the end´ concept through sometimes. The members that are active are really really good though.

Hey, in your next letters, can you tell me how you have seen our family blessed as we keep the sabbath day holy? I was studying in Preach My Gospel and it says to ask you how a specific commandment has blessed my family. I would love to hear your insights and I think it could bring some good thoughts on what to tell the investigators here to help them keep the comittment.

It is a good thing that you haven´t sent the package yet... we got a new mission address. You can still send it to the other one, but this new one will be faster for some reason. The new address is:

Elder Isaac W. Robertson
Missão Brasil Teresina
Caixa Postal: 2321
CEP: 64001-973
Teresina -- PI

Feel free to send cereal. I love it. And I am liking the milk down here. My taste buds are used to it now and it tastes normal. I drink it a lot. I am losing white shirts too. Somehow they get stains on them. I have lost 2 so far. I think it is a little risky to send clothes in the mail, but I think my size is 151/5. Maybe hold off on those till I know for sure though. But I will take anything you send me. I am thinking I will send a package home with stuff I don´t use. I brought a lot of clothes that I don´t need. I might get around to it before my mission is over haha.

I have been wondering how my cousins on their missions are doing... I haven´t emailed Dane for a while. How long has he been out now? Is Sam in England now? How is Joseph in Mexico?

And can you please find out Elder Blackhams home address? I want to write him a letter. I don´t know if you still talk to Elder Smoots mom, but she should know it.

Anyway, sorry this letter isn´t the best ever. Nothing too exciting happened this week. I hope you all have a good Presidents Day and enjoy the day off. I know this is the true church and was restored through Joseph Smith, a true prophet. We are SO blessed to live in the time where we have a living prophet on the earth.

I love you all so much!

Love Isaac

ps, Dad should be the next bishop or stake president. He is a good choice I think.

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