Saturday, July 10, 2010

First email from Elder Robertson

Ola! I have a mini P-day today. We had class this morning until 1 o'clock and then we went to lunch and have until 6 tonight for preparation. It is weird to be in jeans right now. My next P-day will be on Thursday so look for an email then. And by the way, if anyone is wondering, the can write me on and it is just like writing an email but I can read it the same day it is sent instead of once a week on the computer.
The MTC is awesome. The first day was crazy and I was confused out of my mind what was going on. But I have gotten the feel for things now. The second day, Thursday, was the LONGEST day of my life. I was beyond tired and I was struggling to stay awake but I figured I shouldn't sleep in class. But now I am getting used to the schedule and I can sleep at night as normal. The first night I couldn't fall asleep for about 2 hours. My mind was just racing with all kinds of thoughts. All is well now though.
So a typical day in the MTC is like this... Wake up at 6:30 and head to the gym. We have gym time everyday for an hour. We play some foursquare and kickball. Today we played beach volleyball. After gym we get ready for the day and then head to breakfast. Right after breakfast we are in class by 8:45 and we are in class until 1 which is when lunch is. Then after lunch we will go back to class until 6 in the evening. Then dinner till 6:45 then back to class. We might have some type of meeting randomly durning the day, but it is mostly class, class, class. We go back to our rooms at 930 and get ready for bed and plan for the next day.
It is amazing how much I have learned so far in just a couple of days. I have been learning how to teach people and not just to jump in to a lesson, but to get to know them. The main thing they stress here is that we teach people, not lessons. It is really cool to practice getting to know someone and loving them even though they are a complete stranger. It's amazing that I can get so connected to actors and people on a computer screen so quickly. I love it.
Portugese is coming along great so far. In just 3 days of learning, I have learned so much. I can bare my testimony in the language and introduce myself. We are learning how to congegate verbs now. I pretty much know how to do that because of Spanish so that is pretty easy. I just need to memorize what all these verbs mean and how to pronounce them correctly. I think I am getting it down pretty well. I am already loving Portugese and everyone in my district works hard to learn it. It is fun to try to teach ourselves outside of class by trying to talk to each other. Most the time we just say obrigado (thank you) and denada (your welcome) and muito bem Elder! (very good/well Elder!) It is pretty fun. But we are learning new things so it is great.
My district is really awesome. We all click and get along great. There are some funny Elders here. My roommates Elder Harris and Elder Brower are sweet. They make everything fun. I like them. My companheiro is cool. He is from Salt Lake and we get a long well. I just need to continue getting used to having him there all the time. It is weird that I can't escape but it is for the best I know.
I see elder Motes pretty much everyday just walking around or at the cafeteria. I see Elder Kuhn every once in a while but just long enough to say hi and not much else. They both seem to be doing well.
How are things back home? I heard about the NBA news, some other elders have found out through letters. Sounds like Miami is going to be the favorite for a while. dang it.
Well i have 5 more minutes, I will try to bare my testimony in portugese. Eu sei que Deus vive. Testifico que o livro de Mormon e verdadairo. That is about all I know how to say haha. It will come with time. I love you all and I want you to know that God loves each of you.

Elder Robertson.

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