Friday, July 30, 2010

Ola minha familia! Week 3 MTC

Ola minha familia!
The temple opened up this week so that is where I have been this morning. It was different from the Idaho Falls temple because we just stayed in one room. I didn't know that is how other temples do it. But it was still awesome anyway.

I finished the Book Of Mormon on Tuesday or Wednesday I think. That is an amazing book. There is no way it isn't true. It is amazing how much power it has. I was just so happy and peaceful when I finished reading it. It was a great experience.
This whole week has been the most spiritual weeks in my life. On Tuesday we had a great Devotional where he talked about 7 ways to invite the spirit. It was really really good. Then in class my teachers are just bringing a great spirit with them and it really helps me feel the spirit. It was weird, we were just sitting in class two days ago and my teacher was going on about something and the Spirit came out of no where and just hit me. All I remember was that a thought came into my head that said The Lord is well pleased with me. and that serving a mission is definatley what I need to be doing. It didn't even have anything to do about what the teacher was talking about. It was pretty neat though. Then another thing that happened was we started watching a devotional talk given by Elder Holland yesterday. WOW! Elder Holland is so passionate about missionary work. He gets so intense in this talk about it that the spirit is just forced into you. It is really amazing. He is becoming my favorite apostle just because I love the emotion and passion he has for this Gospel. He is pretty studly.

So that is what has been going on this week, it has been really really awesome. My testimony has been stregthened like x10 or more. probably more. I love it.

So, I got the package with the family pictures and treats and stuff after I emailed last week. But they got here safely and the glass was still intact. Thank you so much for sending those. I loved seeing everyone again. I hung up a lot of the picutures on my desk too. They all turned out really good. (By the way, Abby, all the elders in my district thought you were the oldest until they saw the picture of the Cummings family.)

I will send some pictures home of my district and companion and stuff soon. I just need to get a few more pictures and then I will print them off. I am still trying to get a good picture of the district all together, but I might just have to send the one home that I have.

I think it is crazy that Bailey and Chad are already moved away. I hope they have fun and love it over there. I'm sure it will be great.

The blue angels sounded pretty cool. I don't even know what they are but I bet it was cool. Could you see them from our house when they put on the show or did you end up going to Freeman? Where was the show?

Oh yeah.. I almost forgot to tell you about visa's. A few people got there visa yesterday. No one from my district. But rumor has it, over 200 visa's are coming on the 4th.. We will see. I have just been trying to work hard and get all I can out of this MTC and I try not to worry about visas. It is always in the back of my mind and I really want to be in Brazil right now, but I know this is a good place to be too and I will just learn all I can here. I watched a talk from Elder Worthlin the other day and it was called "Come what may and love it." So that is what I am trying to do.

You can send me Mote's emails. I don't get them and he just left on Tuesday morning. I was able to see him and give him a hug the night before so thats good. He seems like he has learned so much. It is crazy how much we can learn in such a short amount of time. Jordan will be a great missionary though. Baltimore is lucky to get him.

Um... I will bear my testimony in Portuguese now. It has come a long way from the first one. Eu sei que o Livro de Mormon e verdadeiro. Jesus Cristo vive. Ele e nosso Salvador e nosso Redentor. Eu testifico que Joseph Smith chamdou de Deus. O evangelho de Jesus Cristo e verdadeiro. O livro de Mormon contem a plenitude a palavra de Deus. Em nome de Jesus Cristo, Amem. I can say more but i am running out of time sorry. Have a great next week! I love you all!

Elder Robertson

1 comment:

  1. I love reading these. I am getting to know Isaac more than I ever have. Thanks for sharing!
