Friday, August 20, 2010

Another Week

Bom dia familia!

I don't know where to start really... I really feel bad writing these emails because they are all the same it seems. Sorry nothing crazy or exciting happens here. Let's see... President or Elder Gonzalez came and spoke to us for devotional on Tuesday. He is in the Presidency of the Seventy. I don't know if you call them President or Elder...But he gave a good talk on becoming Christlike teachers. It helped a lot on how I need to change the way I teach.

Yesterday we taught in the TRC and we did so well. The investigator was a Hindu so she didn't have any foundation on where we could start. So we had to make the foundation. We started of by telling her the nature of God and that he has a body of flesh and bones and that Christ does do. We explained that Christ is the son of God and he was the Savior of the world and things like that. Then we talked a little about prayer and how it is so important to talk to God. We told her that through prayer and the Holy Ghost, we can learn all truth. So no one was really saying anything and she wasn't really involved and so I just got the thought from the Spirit to ask her to pray right then. I figured the only way she would believe what we were saying is if she actually felt the Spirit and used a little faith. So we taught her how to pray and then she did and the Spirit was so strong. And then after prayer she felt good and I explained that was the Spirit and we then taught about Joseph Smith. The first vision was so powerful when I recited it to her. She was so interested in Joseph Smith and she was pretty convinced that there was a God if a man saw him. So we told her that she should read Joseph Smith History because she really wanted to know about Joseph. That investigator definately came closer to Christ through that lesson. Oh, and this was all in Portuguese, too. Which makes it even cooler. That was pretty much the highlight of the week. I really like the TRC's because they are really good practice. Even though the people are actors it is still really good and the Spirit can still teach them.

Still no visa... a district that is going to Brazil just got reassigned to Alabama, Nebraska, and California temporarily. We are now the oldest district in our branch which is kind of weird. That means we have been here for a long time. It seems so short though. I can't believe I will be going somewhere in 3 more weeks. I have a lot to learn.

The language is coming a long great. I can understand a lot of it when teachers and other people speak it and when I read, it's just a little harder to speak because I still don't have very many words memorized. I am doing well and progressing every week though.

Um.. we speak a lot of Portuguese now. Last week we English-fasted on 4 days, and this week we are doing 5 days of no English. Sometimes it is frustrating to do that because our conversations are limited, but it helps so much. That is probably what has helped me the most is just forcing myself to quit english. I am glad I took some spanish in high school, that has helped a little with sentence structure and grammar a little. The grammar is a little different, but pretty similar I think. The big difference is just the pronunciation of words as far as I know. I am probably completely wrong on that but thats how I see it. I can understand all of the Spanish Elders so that is a nice benefit of portuguese.

Well, I'm out of time. Sorry my emails are all the same. I will try to make something AMAZING happen this week to write home about. I love each of you so much! Thank you for the support and help while I'm gone. I love you!

Love, Elder Robertson

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