Friday, August 13, 2010

My Life

Hello everyone!

I don't know where to start because nothing different happened this week. I feel like all of my Emails are the same thing every week. But oh well, I guess.

On Tuesday, we finally had a real general authority. He was in the first quorum of the 70. I don't remember his name, but he gave a great talk on the Book of Mormon. He told us that we need to have investigators start reading it from the very beginning instead of good random scriptures. In the first coupld of pages of 1 Nephi it talks about the importance of families and it talks about prophets and faith and just all kinds of things that are so important to the first lesson. I never paid attention to how much doctrine is in just the first chapter of the Book of Mormon. It is pretty neat.

Well, my district is doing well. We all are still working hard every day. It is still just the 6 of us. Oh, I will send pictures home of the entire district today. I didn't send them before because the machine that prints off pictures was broken, so I never got a chance to print any off until Monday. So I will send a couple home of the district and me and my companion and stuff.

Anyway... I don't know if I told you or not, but I am companions with Elder Plewe and now a solo-sister missionary. That is a little frustrating. When half of the district left, her companion left and so Elder Plewe and me had to take her in. She is kind of weird and loves to talk. So when we are trying to study she is off talking to someone she just met for 20 minutes. It is just hard to work around her schedule because it is a little different for her and Elders. It will be fine though. I am pretty much used to it now so it's good.

Oh yeah! I taught the first lesson in Portuguese yesterday. It wasn't the first time I have done it, but it was the first time that really counted. I had given it in Portuguese to other missionaries and teachers and others, but every week we have TRC (teaching resource center) where we have actor investigators and we work all week to teach them. So we gave this guy a lesson in Portuguese and it went pretty well. I said some things that I hadn't ever said before and the investigator understood me so that was pretty awesome. The Lord really will help ya out if you work hard, ask for His help, and have faith.

There are supposed to be 70 missionaries going to Brazil that come to this MTC next Wednesday. I can't figure out the Visa system they have goin'. I don't think there is a system at all and it is completely random. I am just counting on being re-assigned to somewhere state side for a while which would be fine with me. Maybe they would send me to Philly or something. A lot of Mexico missionaries just got reassigned to the Pocatello mission. Mexico is having a really hard time with VISA's. There is a kid from the Sage Lakes ward named Jaxon O'dell that was reassigned to the Pocy mission for a little while haha. I guess they found out that is where he is from and so the changed him to Denver. That would have been pretty funny if he went back there though.

hm... Well I am alive and happy. I am getting sick of the song Called to Serve. I never really liked it before so its not good that we sing it all the time. Thats about all I have to complain about. 4 more weeks in an MTC I think. That is a little crazy to think about. I still feel like I have so much to learn and not enough time to do it. I am way excited to get out of here though.

Well, I love you all very much. I'm glad all is going well at home. Keep praying and keep being happy.

Elder Robertson

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