Monday, December 20, 2010

Dec. 20, 2010

Dear Fam,

The past week was good... sort of. We had a good trip to Teresina and got some awesome training from Elder Mazzagardi. He is a really good guy. I don´t know if you like to hear my problems with my companion, but here is one that is more ridiculous than the others. So I don´t know if I have told you about this, but ever since I have arrived in ParnaĆ­ba we have gone to the same house every single day around the same time. We stay there for 2-3ish hours every single day. At the beginning we argued a lot, and then I just decided to grin and bare it. But lately we have been teaching some AMAZING people, and sometimes we skip appointments or just don´t give them the time they deserve because of that one house we go to everyday. So I said something this last week... bad idea I guess. Elder Melo got way mad (of course). We got home and he said that I am coming up with plans with the other American missionaries to get away from that house and that I am going behind his back. He even said that I stabbed him in the heart with a knife... ? Anyway, he didn´t want to plan the next day with me that night so ended our day with him while he was getting ready for bed by myself. Well he got even madder and went and slept outside in our backyardish area. Then in the morning he started packing his bags and called the President to go home. He was pretty sure that is what was best. But then last night after church he was completely happy and normal. He is pretty moody. I just try to laugh it off. Transfers are in one week, so... I am prayin´ hard.. haha

I did get socks in that package I got. Thank you. I didn´t get any packages in Teresina, but I got a letter from Kay Grandma. That made my day. I was excited to hear from her. I am sorry about Grandpa´s knee... I hope things get better for him. I pray for them. I will try to write a letter to them sometime.. I need to do a better job at finding time. By the way, in Teresina, I met Elder Olson from Evanston. He lives on the other side of town than Grandma.

So you guys have been asking about my language... I can understand just about everything. Every once in a while there is a word or two that I can´t figure out. But usually I can figure it out by the other things they say. Speaking is a little different. I am pretty good at teaching now. I would say I am fluent in teaching and talking about the Gospel. I can communicate in other conversations as well. I can´t say everything I want, but I can get around the parts that I don´t know how to say. I have definately been blessed with the gift of tounges. And I think the people here have been blessed with the gift of interpretation. I will for sure give you a sample of Portuguese on Saturday.

Dad, I doubt the lessons are the same here in Brazil. In Priesthood yesterday we learned about the Sabbath from Gospel Principles. I don´t know if we are ahead or behind.

Mom, I am sorry about that gang family! That is a little crazy.. I hope that girl brings your gift card back so everything works out easier. I also hope she stops giving you problems.

I am jealous that everyone is together now except for me... I am excited for you all. I miss you all. I miss playing games together, and joking around together. I am way excited to talk to you this week!

So, this is what will happen... I will call you first from the church. Let the number show up on the caller ID because I will only make sure you have the number, then you guys will call that number back. That way you pay for the call. I will call 7ish or 8ish p.m. my time. I think that is 3 or 4 your time?? I don´t know. you guys can figure that out. I hope that works for you... I am excited to hear your voices. It may be better for you to plug in some phones around the house instead of everyone on the speaker phone. It might help me to hear everyone better.. I don´t know how many phones you have though.

Anyway, I am glad you finally got those letters. Just in time for Christmas. Those coconut earings were made by some hippie-bum. I thought they were neat. The new carpet looks good. (and no, no ne has carpet in Brazil.) I hope everyone´s Christmas is fantastic and I can´t wait to talk to you all!! It will be a great day for me. I love you all very very much!!

Love Isaac

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