Church building in Timon

Youth in Timon at Family Night
Field where they play football

Bird that flew into the house
This week was rough... but it was good at the same time. I don´t know exactly.. but the work isn´t going how I expected. We are havin a tough time finding new people to teach. That is hard to not have people to teach in Brazil. We just need to be a little bit more couragous and just open our mouths and talk to everyone... young or old, men and women. We both just want to teach families and men, but all the men here just chill at the bars. So it makes it tough to talk to them. I hope that we will have some success this week in finding more people to teach.
It was good though because one of our investigators, Jefferson, is progressing well. He is 14. His older sister was baptized a little bit before I showed up here. He has been going to mutual and activities every night and he is just a stud. We didn´t even have to invite him to be baptized. About 3 weeks ago he just said that he wanted to be baptized on the 17th of December. That was the first time for me that an investigator set their own date haha. But I am excited for him. We are also teaching his mom and dad. They are both seeing the change in their kids´ lives. Their hearts are being softened. We left a really good lesson with João (the dad) on saturday. We talked about how he can gain a testimony and I shared with him the faith experiment from Alma 32. He liked it a lot.. We will see what happens. He basically said that he will join the church someday. We just need to help him make that ´´someday´´ soon.
Vera (Bianca´s mom) stopped progressing... I don´t know what is going on inside her head. I think she is just scared to make the full change. We told her 3 kids to keep baring testimony to her and keep inviting her to church. We will continue to go there to teach her every once in a while... She is moving to Curitiba soon and we want to have her baptized before. We will see what happens.
To answer your questions... My suit is still good. I need to take it to the dry cleaners though.. I only wear it on Sunday´s for church and then change out of it, and i use it for zone conferences too. It is holdin out so far. I think maybe I grew because the pants are kinda short now.. but that is alright. My luggage is great. no problems there. About Miranda and those boys... my vote is Schenk. haha. Graydon is awesome, but I vote Schenk. (I take it graydon and tawnie didn´t get married???)
I will talk to my companion about the times. I think either will work, but I will talk to him. Also... President Dias said we can use Skype this year... I don´t know how that works, but I will look into it. Since Christmas is on Sunday, i would have to use skype on saturday in the lan houses. So you just tell me your preference... skype on saturday, or a phone call on sunday. Either will be fine with me.
Everything is going great down here though. I am loving it. Sometimes it is hard, and I get frustrated, but it is all worth it. I know that i am doing what I need to be doing. I am seeing many many miracles here. I wouldn´t trade the experiences i have, good or bad, for anything. I love serving the Lord here in Timon!
I love you all very much and I hope you all have a great week getting ready for christmas and doing your crafts and fun things! Thank you so much for all you do!
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BAILEY on tuesday!!! I love you so much and I will be thinking about you on the 13th.
Love Isaac