Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Hey family!
To start off... I am really sorry, but Skype is not gonna work out... The problem is, is that I am in Timon. The internet is extremely slow, and I think that would be a problem, and as of now, I haven´t found any computers with a webcam and microphones. I am sorry that that will not work out. I really wanted to do Skype... maybe for Mothers Day it will work out...

So here is the plan we have. You can call the church at 7pm Sunday my time. I am sure you guys know how to call brazil by now so I will let you figure out how to call this number..086-3212-1051.... If that doesn´t work, the area code might be 099 and not 086. But I am pretty sure the area code is 086. Again, sorry the skype thing isn´t gonna work out.

This week was a little better. Tuesday we had our district meeting and then I went on exchanges with the zone leaders. I was with Elder Brazell. he is from Spokane washington. He is a really good guy. We had a good day and helped out his area a little. It was nice because it rained in the morning, so it wasnt quite as hot. Then wednesday was back to normal in my area. Nothin too crazy happened on Wednesday or Thursday, just normal stuff. Friday was pretty busy. We had to go to Teresina in the morning for a meeting with President and our Zone. We all got DVD players!! woo!! haha. we are supposed to use them to help out our study. I am not too sure what the church was thinkin when they thought to give all the missions a DVD player. I guess they have a lot of trust in the missionaries. At least in this mission, I am pretty sure they will be used for other purposes. Then later that day we had to go to Caxias which is about an hour and a half away. My companion had to do an interview there. It was a long day and we weren´t able to work in my area that day until 8 at night. Saturday we had a baptism! His name is Jefferson, 14 years old. He had been going to mutual and all the activites and church every sunday. A while ago he set his own baptismal date for the 17th. He is a good kid. I like him a lot. I am pretty sure that his parents will be following his example soon. They are showing good signs of progress. That is about all that happened here. Everything is going well.

Yesterday it was 111 degrees. I saw it on a sign that shows the temperature. I can´t decide what is worse.. idaho winter, or timon everyday. haha. I am missing the snow though... just for this week. I hope you all have a great week and a very merry christmas!!! I love you all and I can´t wait to talk to you on Sunday!

love isaac

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