Monday, September 13, 2010

First P-day in Portland

Sup yo?
Thank you mom for writing me an email. answers to your questions... I got the package you sent me on Friday. Thank you for that. I am thankful there was a pillow in there. And also a little note and a picture of Leslie. She already looks way bigger than when I left, and that smile she has is way cute. I miss that little girl. I don't think I need anything more to be sent. I have enough long sleeve shirts and it doesn't really get that cold. I don't think the people here know what cold is. If anyone wants to send me a regular letter, you should send it to the mission office. I don't know the address for that but I guess you do since you sent a package maybe you could let people know that... The mission office is the easiest way to do it I guess. Also, anyone can send me an email and I can just print it off and write a letter later in the day. I have no news on the visa.. when I got here Pres. Dykes said that they have me for 24. Which could mean days, weeks, months... anything really. I don't know if Sonja is sending me Braxton's letters. I haven't gotten any mail since I have been here.

Eric Hillam came to the MTC in Provo for a couple of days. A big group of missionaries went there and got their visa's the very next day. That is also when half of my district got theirs. visa's are completely random. I have heard that missionary visas just aren't a priority for the government in Brazil. I would think that since summer is over in the states, that maybe they will have more time to focus on other visas instead of tourist visas. I think it is all about money and who is going to benefit the economy more down there. Too bad they don't realize that the salvation of souls will benefit them more than money haha. I am way excited to be in Oregon though. I love it here.

Be sure to send me pictures of Italy! I forgot you were going there. That will be awesome to go there. I want to see your adventures. I think you can attatch them to an email or just send them in the mail. Either way works. You can also send me pictures of just everyday things. That would be fun for me to see.
Well, I got to this mission just in time... Elder Bednar came and talked to us on Friday. It was so cool. I got my picture with him and everything (with 2 other zones). But I think Abby would be jealous that I got to hear from him.(He is your favorite apostle right?) I will send you a picture some time. We met with him for 4 hours or something with just a question/answer type deal. He asked us questions and then we asked him questions. It was so cool because it was almost like a one on one thing. I didn't ask him a question because I didn't know what to ask him. But it was very good and I learned how to let the Spirit teach people just by asking questions that make them agents, and not objects. He said that is something a lot of teachers do wrong is they take away the agency of people when they ask questions. In the church we like to play a game called "whats on my mind" and we aske questions that have a specific answer and those types of questions don't let the spirit teach. We need to prepare lessons and then be willing to give it all up if the spirit takes the lesson another direction. And i learned all of that just by him asking us questions that didn't have specific answers. It really works to do that!

Anyway.. it has been a good week. We are teaching a 17 year old girl, Brianna, and she is doing great. We are teaching a 9 year old boy, Jaden, who seems to be interested. It's hard to tell with kids what they think and if they understand everything. I guess they don't need to understand everything as long as the spirit tells them it is right. Mom, how do we teach kids with A-D-D? We are teaching another young boy who cannot focus. I figure you have some experience witht that. What have you found helps them focus better? He has some behavior problems and so he can't go to church until he gets them under control. He wants to be baptized but he needs to go to church before. We are also teaching a family. The mom is protestant and goes to church and reads the book of mormon looking for reasons to doubt. The kids don't know what they want because the mom tells them one thing, and we have to come in and explain it all again. It is hard. They are the Martin family. You could pray for them if you want. They are really nice people, the mom is just having a really hard time accepting anything other than the Bible. It is pretty tough to explain that God can give us more scripture at his own will and time.

Well.. That is about it. I love it here and I really wouldn't mind if I were here for 2 years. Brazil and Oregon are awesome. It would be way cool to go to Brazil still though. I hope for my visa, but I won't be too bummed if I am here for the whole time. I love you all so much. You are all amazing examples to me in my life! I would love to hear from you all!

Love, Elder Robertson

p.s. did you talk to grandma and grandpa about the B.O.M.? I haven't heard anything from them.... let me know how it went please!

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