Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter 4.25.11
This last week was pretty good. We had a baptism. Lana was baptized. She is 13 years old and is really good friends with Prescila, who was baptized about a month ago. Prescila always invited her to go to church and seminary with her. Lana goes every week and never misses an activity. She is pretty funny too. We were teaching her about President Monson and how he is the actual prophet today and she was like, WHAT? Joseph Smith died?! haha. We explained it all out to her. Then we were getting her ready for the baptismal interview and she just seemed really nervous about the questions. We asked her what the problem was and she asked, if I get one wrong, I wont be able to be baptized right? and we said yeah, but you know them, then she was like `but i don´t know my mom´s birthday!` haha cause she saw a part of Prescila´s interview where they were filling out the member record and it asks for the mom´s birthday. Haha we had to explain that those kind of questions don´t matter for the baptism. She is little blonde... ha
But other than that, the week was good. Our investigators are all progressing well except for Marcio. He hides from us on Sunday so he hasn´t gone to church yet. Then Zezinho (an awesome member that Marcio works for) found out that he is smoking marijuana. ugh... We will talk to him this week and explain that he needs to be honest with us so he can be baptized.
Easter was really good. Here it is a 4 day thing. The holiday starts on Thursday, well Monday really, but everything closes on Thursday. People just go to the beach or stay home in their house. They eat fish all week and so I ate a lot of fish. Friday is the big day of the holiday where they celebrate the crucifixion. There was a parade thing with actors and they acted out the last day of Christ´s mortal life. Me and my comp. saw part of it. It was a little weird... and they have chocolate easter eggs and the easter bunny and all of that ´worldly´ stuff.
Transferrs are next monday. It should be a big transfer because a lot of new missionaries are showing up. We have 100 missionaries right now in this mission, but it is growing. There have been some wards that divided and some districts that are almost stakes and wards that are close to dividing. So we have some wards and branches with 4 missionaries and we are trying to get a lot done. The mission goal for 2011 is to have 1440 baptisms this year. It is a lot of work, but is definately possible if people focus on their purpose.
I don´t know if I will stay in Parnaíba or not. I have been here for like 5 and a half months now... I have heard that the record for a missionary in one area is a year.. so I still have a ways to go haha. I really like Parnaíba and I will keep workin hard here.
It sounds like your holiday was good. It is good to hear that Dave is back home. He would be a good bishop. I am excited to hear who will be the bishop there.
I am glad that spring showed up there finally haha. Is it still freezing at night? Is it still snowing or has it stopped for the year? It is still rainy here. They say April is the month with the most rain here in Parnaíba.
Mom, I don´t know what I want or need in a package. I guess white shirts... 15 1/2 is the size. And maybe some more pants if they aren´t expensive... 32/32. umm... the latest ensigns... feb. mar. april. and may... I like those a lot. I guess ties too.. those are always good. Sometimes we need to give them away to new converts that don´t have church clothes. If you send ties, don´t send red ones. Whenever I wear a red tie, EVERYONE comments on how red my skin is. they always ask, did you put sun block on today? ´yes i did, it is just hot today.´´ But it is only when i wear a red tie. anyway... I guess just candy.. that is always good. I don´t really have much that I want or need... but thanks for wanting to send me a package! I appreiciate them!
Abby, I forgot to write in my last email HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! i didn´t forget your birthday. I hope your day was great! did you have a date with anyone!!?? 16 is pretty fun. I hope you have a great year! I love ya!
I love you all very very much! I hope everything goes well for you all in school, ISATs, bees, and anything else that you guys are up to. I love you!
Love Isaac
Monday, April 18, 2011
This last week was alright. No baptisms :( but we were able to get some inactive people to church and they renewed their baptismal covenent through the sacrament, so that was great!
The family that I talked about last week dropped us too!. I don´t know why! We showed up at their house and the dad came out and said, we are just happy with our religion right now and we are pretty busy to keep inviting you guys over. But when we get an opprotunity we will make a visit in your church somday........ ugh. That is the nice way to say ´no´. I really really really want to find a family that will be baptized. I am going to find like 10 families this week to teach.
Our other investigators are good though. One girl should be baptized this coming saturday, and we are also teaching a lady named Conceição. If you remember Giovani (a recent convert that was baptized in Feb), Conceição is his aunt... kind of. But she is like 60+ years old and was really catholic. But the other day she told us that she is forgetting to say her ´catholic prayers´ and reads the Book of Mormon instead, or one of the little pamphlets we give to her. She is really great to talk to and understands everything we teach. She is a little nervous to commit to baptism, but it will come with a little more preparation. She is awesome.
We are also teaching a guy named Marcio. He is 34 and was doing really really well. He smoked and would drink coffee everyday, but he quit right when we taught him the word of wisdom. He was understanding everything and progressing really really well. But last week he missed church so we had to move his baptism to next week. but then yesterday he missed church too! We think he is hiding something from us and the guy he works with said that he may have a problem with drugs.... He runs away on Sunday so when we show up or a member goes to get him, he is gone. I am praying for some revelation on what to do with this guy.
The baptism is your ward there sounded really special! That was great to read. The gospel really does have the answers to all problems. I am glad that Gene is so excited to get married in the temple. That will be a really special day for the entire family!
My interview was really good. I learned a lot. President Dias is a really good guy. He tells me stuff, and then uses a scripture and applies it to me and I always thing, ´hm, i never thought of that scripture that way before` he is just really smart and knows the scriptures really well. He is definately inspired by the Spirit.
Mom, I don´t know if the phone call will work out like on Christmas. I don´t know any details yet, and I could be in a different city by then so I am not exactly sure how it will work out. But, I will be able to call and I will make sure we all get to talk. And unfortunately, we are not allowed to use skype. I have heard of other missions using it now, but in this mission we will just be calling.
Dad, when it rains here, it RAINS. The streets flood in like 5 minutes of rain and it just rains hard. This last week has been really rainy. It always rains right after lunch, and then at like 7 at night. The rain is really cool here though... You can see just a wall of water coming down the street and then all of the sudden it hits you and you are soaked instantly. Its not too fun to be soaked, but i think it is really cool to see the rain comin.
>p> I don´t eat sushi ever. That was just a one night thing. We just went there to try the experience. I liked it a lot, and my companion hated it. haha he still complains today about the sweet and sour taste. But sushi is not an everyday thing. on the topic of food, I think a guy is going to make us alligator. That will be awesome.Mom, I feel safe here. There are times when missionaries will be robbed, but you don´t need to worry. Missionaries just need to be smart. I don´t carry my wallet or camera with me except on p-day. I just carry like 5-10 bucks just in case so i have something to give the guy... but don´t worry. As long as people are in their house at the right time and walk in public areas everything is good.
Well, I should wrap this up... in the spirit of Easter... I know that Jesus lives. He is risen! I have a strong testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He suffered for our sins in Gethsemene and died for us on the cross. He was ressurrected and completed the atonement. He triumphed over physical death, and spiritual death. I know that through Christ, we can all make the great return to our heavenly home!
this is a cool thing i learned the other day... Adam chose spiritual death to bring mortal life. Christ chose mortal death to bring spiritual life. I thought that was really neat...
I love you all very much! you are the best family in the world! Love isaac