Friday, August 12, 2011


Good Morning!

So... This week was ok. It started out really great. We had some great goals for this week and we started out real good. But on Wednesday my companion got sick and couldn´t breath very well and his whole body was just hurting. He says its cause he was used to the heat in his other area and then got here in ´cold´ Tianguá and caught bug. Wednesday night we went to the hospital and the doctor told him that he needs to rest his lungs and gave him a ton of medicine. So we only worked half a day on Wednesday, then he had to stay home on Thursday and Friday. Saturday he was just sick of staying home so we worked way hard on Saturday to make up for the lost time. I came home that night just exausted haha. It was good.

Our investigators right now aren´t too elect. I think most of them aren´t taking things very seriously. There is Ebert who was supposed to be baptized on Saturday who hid from us all week. (We were able to go to his house everyday by doing companion splits for an hour) But he was either sleeping or left his house. We finally talked to him on Saturday and he said that he isn´t feeling prepared to be baptized and so we helped him out to know what he needs to do to be prepared and set his date for baptism this coming week, but he needed to go to church one more time. So yesterday we called the member, Paulo, who gave us his name to help us out by bringing Ebert to church. Ebert and Anderson (a friend of Ebert and Paulos little brother) were at Paulo´s house, but when it was time for church I guess they ran away. I think they are thinkin that this is a game. So we are going to have to let them know that if they don´t really want this, then we aren´t going to waste our time. It makes me a little mad when stuff like this happens. But, I have learned to be patient.

Then there is Chagas. He is a really shy guy. He is 19 years old and he is from a city close by, but is living with his cousins for a while here in Tianguá. His cousins are members and he is interested and so we started to teach him last week. Its hard to teach him cause he doesn´t ask questions or talk at all and it is hard to know if he is understanding. But we invited him to church and his cousins said they would bring him. Then yesterday we showed up and talked to his cousin and she said that Chagas was embarrassed and didn´t want to come anymore. So we called him and he said that he didn´t want to come and that he would next week. We told him that we are going to go to his house to pick him up and walk with him, and he said OK. haha. So we walked there and back to the church and showed up an hour late, but at least he was there.

I think this week we are going to focus most of our time on finding new people to teach...

Today I played soccer with my district here. We played in a small room in the chruch that is big enough for just 2 on 2. It was me and Elder Sessions (from colorado) against my comp and Elder Cunha, both Brazilian. We won 7-4.. haha. I was happy that 2 americans beat 2 brazilians.

Dad, I haven´t ever thought of the race percentages here. Race isn´t a big thing down here cause everyone is a mix haha. There are white people (not very many) to blacks (also not very many). and with every skin tone inbetween. Race isn´t a very big deal here like in other parts of the world. I would imagine that in other parts of Brazil, like in the bigger cities, I could give percentages. But here everyone is a different shade... haha

Also, your hand looks nasty! haha. Did you go to a doctor? or is there nothing you can do except wait? haha that is crazy!

It sounds like your week is going to be fun. I bet you guys are happy to have Leslie with you for a bit. I can´t believe Bailey is so close to having her baby... And to have Leslie already 2 years old when I get home... its gonna be weird. Maybe Miranda can have one too before I get hoome if she gets married here in the next 2 months. haha.

Well, I hope you guys have a great week! I love you very much!

Love Isaac

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