Tuesday, August 2, 2011

8.1.11 Good Week with New Companion

Hey fam!

This was a good week! My companion and I get along really well and things are looking really good here. I am excited.

So the first part of the week was crazy. On Monday night we had to go to the bus station at 1 o´clock so Elder Sena and Elder Andrade could get their bus to São Luis. It turns out that the bus didn´t show up until 2:30 and we didn´t get back to our house until 3ish. But, it was way good to see those two off... haha. So we got a little sleep and then on Tuesday Elder Cunha´s companion showed up at 2 in the afternoon. His name is Elder Sessions from Longmont, Colorado. He is a good guy. I still don´t know him too well, but I will. But then that night my companion was supposed to show up at 1 a.m.. So we went to the bus station to wait but he never showed up. We waited until 230ish in the morning, and then called the Zone Leaders. They told us that he missed his bus and that he would show up at 5:30 in the morning! They apologized that they forgot to call us and tell us this little piece of info, but i was still a little mad.. haha. We got my companion in the morning and ever since it has been way good here.

We work really good. We didn´t amazing numbers or anything, but we are basically opening this area. We are trying to find new people to teach and it is going well so far.

Wésio was baptized on Saturday. He was here in Tianguá for the week so we were able to teach him. He is from Brasilia and drives truck. His fiancé is a member and introduced him to the church a while ago. The sister missionaries taught him a little while they were here a while ago, and he goes to church here when he passes by becaues of his job. So we taught him everyday of the week everything that he needed to know. It helped a ton that he was already living the Gospel standards. He was truly prepared to be baptized. He and his fiancé will be married in December and then in a year from now they can go and be sealed together forever in the temple.

Not much else happened this week. Just finding people to teach and working hard.

Stake Conference is coming up here. It will be the last weekend in August. I think there will be a change in the Stake because Elder Goodoy of the Seventy is coming for the conference. i also think this ward is going to get a new bishop. Last week the entire stake presidency was here with all of the stake high council and they interviewed all the men in the ward. There has been a little apostacy goin on here... haha so I think there will be a change.

It is getting pretty hot here again. The rainy season is officially over. It hasn´t rained for about a month now. The people are saying it is just going to get hotter until December, then the rainy season starts again. i have been getting a little sunburned lately too. At least it cools down here at night and in the morning. but during the afternoon, it is getting hotter and hotter everyday.

i dont have much else to say... Thanks for the emails! I hope Dad´s foot starts to feel better! Why didn´t the first surergy work? The race you are preparing for sounds crazy..but fun.

Mom, my shoes are doing good. One pair has a hole in the bottom, but they still work good. And the other pair doesn´t have any problems. The insoles you sent fixed all the problems. i don´t need more for now.

I am doin great and I don´t need anything. I love you all very much and I hope your week goes great!

Love isaac

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