Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2..20.12 More Timon Pictures and a letter

Good morning,

This week was alright. The carnaval thing kind of effected our work, but we managed to get some good lessons in an to find some new people to teach.

We had a baptism though!!! His name is Raimundo. I don´t know if have have talked about him before because it was a pretty quick process. His friend brought him to a ward activity that we do every thursday night. He really like it because everyone was nice to him and having a good time. So we invited him to come back on Sunday, and we set up an appointment with him sunday night. He went to church and it was fast and testimony meeting, and he loved it. He told his friend that he was imagining himself going up there some day. He got interested in the Book of Mormon, because we still hadn´t taught him one time, and everyone was talking about the Book of Mormon. So we taught the first lesson that night and he loved it. We taught with members and they bore their testimonies and it was great. So the rest was just pretty simple. He accepted to be baptized and set a date in the first lesson. He prayed about the book of mormon and felt good about it. One thing that was awesome is that we watched the movie about Joseph Smith´s life with him and he bore a very poweful testimony at the end that he knew that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.

The baptism was really good too. All of the youth were there to support him and he was very happy. We gave him the opprotunity to bare his testimony again infront of everyone and he did a fantastic job. The spirit was strong.

Mom, I use that repelent a while back that you sent me. I don´t use it very often. Just sometimes at nigght when I don´t have shoes on in the house because the mosquitos just go for my feet. So i sometimes put a little on my feet. I never use sunscreen... that is probably bad, but when I do, i just sweat a lot more and it comes off with the sweat before i even get to lunch.. so it seemed like a waste to me to keep doing that everyday. And actually, transfers were last week. Me and Elder Cruz are staying. But Elder Deaver got transferred and a brand new Elder moved in right out of the CTM. His name is Elder Sanders. He is really goofy. We get a long great. I have heard about Elder Stott because he was companions with Elder Sanders in the CTM, but I haven´t met him.

That is about all that has been going on in the last week. I will send some pictures today of a pday a couple weeks ago, and the baptism. I love you guys!

Love Isaac

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