Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween 11-01-10

This is a picture Elder Harris sent us in an email. He is serving with Isaac.
Good morning dear family!
How was everyone´s halloween? Mine was fantastic. Just another day. (they don´t celebrate halloween here). For P-day today we are going to carve watermelons to celebrate.Dad, to answer your question, you are exactly right. Anyone can email me, but I can only email back my family. Anyone else that writes me can expect a letter in the mail sometime after.Also, thank you for your thoughts about Jeremiah. I am not too familiar with his story, but I think I will study it one of these days. Sometimes it does feel like what we teach goes in one ear and out the other. The people are just so nice here that they accept every invitation we give them, but then they don´t keep it. A lot of the time it feels pointless, but no effort is wasted. So, I am still alive and well. I have been thinking a lot about when the Savior came to visit the Nephites in the Book of Mormon. I have been studying it this week, and it is just amazing. My favorite part is in 3 Ne. 11 right when the Savior appears. When He is coming down and when he introduces himself, the multidude falls to the earth. Then Christ tells them to arise and come forth to feel the prints in his hands, feet, and side so that everyone can gain a testimony that He is the Savior of the world. So then I think it is verse 15?? but the multidude goes forth, one by one, and touches the prints and they all gain a testimony. I love this so much because in my head, there is significance in all of it. I think it is interesting that the people fall down when he comes. I´m sure it was a very humbling thing for them. But, I like to think that we are like those people. The natural man is an enemy to God, and I think in a sense, we are all fallen. We all sin and need to repent to become like God. But we don´t have to do it alone. The savior still calls today, Arise, and come forth. We need to all repent and feel the prints of the Atonement. We can´t have someone else do it for us, we need to do it ourselves, one by one. As we use the Atonement in our lives, we can gain and strengthen our testimonies of Jesus Christ. I also think it is interesting that the crowd went one by one. I think the Savior wanted it to be like that, because he suffered for each of us, one by one. I would imagine that it took a very long time for every single person to go to Christ, one by one, but He loved them so much that he waited and endured it so everyone could have the chance to gain that testimony.I know that the power of the Atonement is real, and that as we each use it, we too can gain a testimony that Christ is the Savior and our own personal Redeemer. I am so thankful for the Atonement in my life. I am happy that there is always a way back to the path that leads to eternal life. It gives me great hope and comfort in knowing that. I love you all so much!! I am thankful we are sealed in the temple so we can live together forever. I couldn´t imagine life forever without all of you there. Thank you for your prayers and support! Love, Isaac

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