Monday, January 17, 2011


Hey family!

This week was pretty good. I was able to keep Elder Melo happy for a week now...even though it meant I wasn´t. We just have different ideas about what work is. For some reason he thinks just being out of the house is work, but we don´t teach much. We are supposed to have a lesson every half hour during the day (that is the mission goal) but we are no where close to that. My thoughts are to just keep him happy for the few lessons we do teach. I just feel bad for the investigators we have that could be progressing, but we aren´t there to help them.

Remember the baptism I was supposed to have on Christmas? Well, he is running from us. We schedule appointments for interviews and teaching appointments, but he always leaves. When we do finally make contact with him he always says he really wants to be baptized, but now I am starting to think he doesn´t. It is tough because we have put so much work into him and it seems like it is all falling apart. We are going to keep talking to him and we set another baptismal date for the 29th in two weeks. I am hoping and praying he will feel prepared.

That is about all that has happened this last week. I am just patiently waiting for a transfer still... haha. President has been doing a small transfer every 3 weeks, so there is a chance that later today something could change... I´m hoping... haha.

Yeah , so that picture of the dead cow was just random. I was on a division with Elder Wells in his area and we were just walking down this dirt road and I saw a bunch of vultures so I got my camera out and we found that dead cow. It was way nasty. I don´t usually see dead livestalk on the ground. There were 2 dead cows there though. One looked like it had been dead for a monthish and the one I took a picture of was pretty new. maybe a couple of days.

It has only rained here last sunday and a little bit on wednesday I think. It might rain during the night a little too but I am not sure. We haven´t been getting too much rain though. It alway looks like it is going to rain, but doesn´t. Maybe it evaporates before it gets to me haha. And I have heard about the floods in Rio. It is not good down there. I am wondering about if any missionaries or members were affected or if they are all safe... I hope so. There is a lot of deaths down there I heard. Last I heard there was like 600 people dead. It is sad.

Well, I hope you all have another great week and enjoy the warmer weather you are having! I love you all so much and I miss you. I pray for you all all the time. Thank you for your prayers and help! You are the best family in the world!

I love ya!


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