Monday, January 31, 2011

1/31/11 Good Week!

Hello Family!

This week was pretty good. My companion and me have been working very hard on fixing this area. We have a goal to have an appointment every 30 minutes during the day. That is the goal of the mission so we are working up to that. We first need to get people to teach. Last week was very good and we found 31 new investigators. 3 families, and I think 11 men. The mission goal is 1 family a week, 3 men a week, and 21 total every week. We taught 17 lessons with members and we have some good progressing investigators. We also had 11 people in church yesterday!!! That is really hard to do. It is hard to get people to come to church here. So we are pretty much awesome haha. Just kidding. I will study humility this week... (I know none of this would have happened if we weren´t doing all we can to be the best instruments for Heavenly Father)

My companion is Brazilian. He is from São Paulo. He is a convert to the church for just 2 years now. Only his mom and I think cousin are members in his family. His dad left them when he was young and he doesn´t really know him. He is a really good missionary though. He connects with people way easy and can talk about anything. He has the same amount of time as me on the mission. 7 months. He hit 7 months on the 24th of jan, so he has a couple more weeks than me. It is good though that we have the same amount of time because neither of us think we are better than the other or that we know more than the other. We just work together and do the best we can.

I got a christmas card from the Kuhns last week and a letter from Grandma Flash and Katy. They were very nice and I loved them. Can you tell them thanks for me? I will write some letters back, but in the mean time maybe you can say thanks to them for me.

My christmas package had things wrapped in christmas paper. They didn´t get into that package to explore. I don´t know how long it will take for the other package to clear customs. President Dias is coming up here this week to do interviews so there is a chance it could get here and he could bring it with him. I think this package moved faster because it isn´t christmas time. maybe, who knows...

Things here are going great though. It seems that a lot more drunk people are talking to us. They are always fun to talk to. I just stand there and try not to laugh at what they are saying. They are pretty crazy. We gave a book of mormon to one of them. He just really wanted a Bible from us, so I gave him a Book of Mormon with the address to the church and the time it starts. Maybe if he ever sobers up he will read it. He didn´t know where he lived so we couldn´t teach him later in his house.

That is about all the news I have down here. Things are going really well and smooth. The work is back on track in Parnaíba. We have baptisms lined up for the next 3 weeks... I am prayin that we can keep doing things right so they will happen.

I love you all so much and thank you for your emails every week. I get way excited to read them every monday. You all sound fantastic and I am glad we are a family forever!

Love Isaac

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