Monday, January 10, 2011

um outra semana 1/10/11

Hey Family!!

This last week was pretty good. Elder Melo was in Teresina for pretty much the whole week. He left on Tuesday and got back on Friday afternoon. There was a training for all the leaders there. So I stayed with another Elder in a different ward because his compainon is District Leader too. It was a good couple of days with him. It was a little tough to work in two areas for that long though. We worked in my area for an entire day and I realized how bad it is. I felt like I was opening a new area because we really don´t have very many investigators which is way sad. Anyway, on Friday we did a division so I went with Elder Wells for Friday night and Saturday. It was a good time. I learned a lot and we got some good stuff accomplished.

President Dias made a surprise visit to Elder Wells house while I was there. It was 10:30am and we were working in his area book cleaning it up and making it look pretty and organized and we got a call from President. He was like, Elders, it´s 1030 and time to work. Come open your door and let me in. We were both just like... ´crap´´... haha. not because we were doing anything wrong, but it was a little unexpected and it made us nervous. He went out with us and taught a lesson with us. It was way good. I learned so much from him. He is a pro. We were both nervous because two Americans and our president... We were worried about our portuguese and being perfect teachers... It was really good though.

So that was pretty much my week. OH, here is a funny story from yesterday at church... We were in our first class and a drunk guy walked in... and he just stood right in the middle of the room for a little then Elder Melo got up and helped him out and he wanted to stay so we sat him down and tried to keep him quiet during the lesson. It was so funny because he would just shout things out and do weird things. So that happened and he still wanted to stay, and he went to Sacrament with us. This is the best part.. our branch president started the meeting and he was giving some announcements and the drunk guy just stands up, and we were sitting in the middle of the chapel and everyone could see. He just stood up and stared at President Cunha for like 10 seconds then we grabbed his shoulder and sat him down. Haha it was funny. Luckily he was quiet all during the sacrament. Then people would give their talks and after every talk he would shout out his feelings. After one he was like `Beautiful words!! Very good talk!! Please continue!` it was awesome. I was dyin cause it was so funny. But Elder Melo did a good job with him and he was quiet for the most part except for those couple of occasions haha.

I GOT 3 PACKAGES!!! I got one from the young women, I got one from Grandma, and one from you guys! I am pretty sure that everything was in all of them. They opened up the one from Grandma, but everything she claimed was still there. I got a lot of mints, socks, fruit snacks, axe shower gel stuff, christmas tree, christmas card, hot wheels car, peanut brittle,,then from the young women, I got some cards and candy, and in the one from you, I got candy, deodorant, razors, pens, flash drive, memory cards, FRUITY PEBBLES!!, and I don´t know if I forgot anything, but I am sure it was all there. T HANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I LOVED IT!!! I got it all on my six-month day (7th) and it was perfect timing for that. Say thanks to the young women for me and to Kay Grandma and Jesse Grandpa! I loved everything I got. I will send a pic.

Mom, I will try to get a Coke can for your friend. Does she want just like a normal one? or one with like designs or somethin... and she wants aluminum right? or does she collect the glass ones? I will buy some coke sometime in the nex t 18 months for her.

Dad, your letter made me laugh!. I loved the lee-isms. The first one was ýou should meditate with your wife´ instead of medicate.. haha. and the other one is ´lynn thinks he is up in the lurky nights??`not up in the murky lights.. haha. . I liked those a lot.

It rained here a lot last night. this is a good story... It was 10 minutes to night and we are about to leave this house we were at then it just started POURING!!! so we waited a little to see if it would stop, but it wasn´t going to. we wated about a half hour. Then we got plastic sacks and wrapped our scriptures and things in it and took off running for our house to get home by 930. IT WAS SO FUN! the streets were flooded and the water was up to my shins. It was awesome. It was a good bonding moment for Elder Melo and me. We were soaked in 5 seconds of being out there.

Anyway, that is about it for this week. It was good. My goal this week is to not fight once. Right now we are happy with each other and so I am going to do anything (without breaking rules) to keep him happy. I will let you know how it goes.

Here is my testimony, (its been a while) I know this is the true chruch on the earth. I know that Jesus Christ is the head of this chruch and He leads and guides us through a living Prophet. I know that Joseph Smith really did see Christ and our Heavenly Father and that Joseph talked with them face to face and restored the original church of Christ. I have no idea how people can reject it.... But, I know Jesus Christ lives and he is our Savior and Redeemer.

I love you!


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