Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Family, meus queridos,

This week was perty good. So Pedro was baptized. (i think i told you about him last week). It was a really good meeting. Apparently Elder Donizeti and I are studs. Everyone that we told about the baptism were in unbelief. EVERYONE was like NO WAY?! How did you do it?! A counselor of the mission who lives in ParnaĆ­ba came up to us and said ´if we were to go home right now, our missions will be complete because we baptized Pedro´ haha. Another lady said that I will be a General Authority because we baptized him... haha. For me, we didn´t do anything. We just asked him if he wanted to be baptized and if we could help prepare him for the 12 of March. He accepted and he didn´t have one problem with any commandments or doctrine that we taught. In my eyes, Pedro was prepared out of his mind before we even talked to him. I am very greatful that I was able to be here to see him be baptized. (and it is kinda cool to be a little famous here in parnaĆ­ba now. haha just kiddin)

Other than that, not much else happened. We are trying to find new investigators because basically everyone is either getting baptized, or they aren´t quite ready yet. We only have like 2 that are progressing. Prescila is progressing well and accepted to be baptized on the 26th. She is pretty cool. All of the young men in the branch are thankful for us because they all think she is pretty cute. We are trying to hook up one of the boys with her haha. It is funny because he gets really nervous around her. We are going to take him to our next appoitment with her and see what we can do for him.
Thats about it for the week...

Dad, I am so sorry that I still haven´t answered you question about P-day. But here is the answer... We wake up and clean the house then study until 1030. We leave to go use the internet. There is a place around the block from where I live to use the computers. There are a couple of ´LAN houses´ that people run from their house as a business. It costs 1 buck to use for an hour. So it is pretty cheap. After internet we maybe will go get some lunch or just go buy our groceries for the week and make lunch in our house. It depends on what our plans are for the rest of the day. Usually we will go the downtown area and walk around and look at stuff. Today I think I will buy some souveniers from here because transferrs are next week. I don´t know if I will be transferred, but just in case....
Sometimes we will play basketball durning the day. But not usually. Usually we just go back to our house and either sleep or play uno or the brazilian version of risk.... I usually sleep. Pdays aren´t way exciting here, but I like them just to relax a little. We can´t really do anything way fun cause the only thing is to do is to go to the beach, and that is against mission rules. There is a place close to here (like 30 minutes) where it is just white sand dunes with water between them. There isn´t a rule against going there but we have to have permission from President Dias, and I guess it is hard to get...

I don´t really have much to say today... sorry. But I know without any doubt that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true chruch on the earth. I know that Joseph Smith really did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.I know that Joseph Smith restored the exact same gospel that was here from the beginning of the world. I know that through living the Gospel, families can be together forever. I know God has a plan for every one of us. I know that Christ lives. I know that He suffered for my sins and that I can repent to live with Him again. I am so thankful that I know these things. Life wouldn´t be very fun or happy if I didn´t know these things.

I love you all so much and I hope you have a great week!!! Thank you Mom and Dad for your weekly emails. I always look forward to them. You two are the best parents! I love you!

Love Isaac

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