Monday, May 16, 2011

5.16.11 Great Week!


This week was a great one. Me and my comp have been having a hard time finding the desire to work as you know, but we just decided to suck it up and get goin haha. So we did. We went out everyday searching for new people to teach and we are trying to strengthen the members here too cause they are having some problems. So we just got busy. But the coolest thing that happened this week is the Lord surprised us with a baptism. this is what happened...

So on Thursday night we left a really spiritual message with Marcio about Job and how he always remained faithful and stuff. I could tell that he felt the Spirit and that what we said really applied to him. So then on Friday we got done eating lunch and Irmão Zezinho called us. (zezinho is an awesome member, not sure if i have talked about him before) Well he had been helping us teach Marcio,. and he called on Friday afternoon and told us that Marcio read in the Book of Mormon a scripture that says you have to be baptized to enter the kingdom of God. And he said that Marcio really felt that it was true and that he wanted to be baptized the next day (saturday). Me and my comp were just like WOO HOO!!!! haha. So we called President Dias because Marcio had had a problem with drugs before and President Dias told us to wait 3 months to baptize him. But we explained everything to him and President gave permission. So we went over to talk to Marcio and told him that that night he will be interviewed and we went over the baptisimal interview questions. Then he passed the interview that night, and on saturday I had the priviledge of baptizing him and on Sunday he was confirmed a member and received the Holy Ghost. What a miracle. I am still wondering what exactly happened that made it possible for all of that to happen. The Lord definatly works in mysterious ways. But I am so glad I was here to see Marcio be baptized and confirmed. This week we are going to help prepare him to recieve the Aaronic Priesthood.

Miranda, congrats on graduating seminary!! You look great in your pictures.

The new stake presidency sounds like a good one. I think I know President Hathaway, but I am not sure. If it is the guy I am thinking of, then he is a great choice to be Stake President.

It sounds like Monday nights are going to be a fun day for you now. BYUI students are crazy haha. Its good that that ward is a good one.

Thanks in advance for sending the package. That is a good idea to send the stuff seperate to Elder Donizeti. He has support from home. He and his mom were baptized at the same time 2 years ago, and his dad is supportive. He gets letters and has people that write him so everything is good. He has a good family.

I would send pictures to you guys, but the computer doesn´t recognize that I have pictures on the camera. I hope I don´t have a virus on the chip. I will take it to someone who knows. and see if they can do somethin.

Everything is going great down here in Brazil. We rescued our area a little and we are going to keep goin. The work is lookin up again. I am starting to see how easy it is to be caught up in the pride cycle. Things were going really great for us in March and April and I guess we took the blessings for granted and then the Lord left us on our own and everything stopped. But now since we have decided to start working really hard, the blessings are starting to come back again. I will do everything I can to keep the blessings coming.

Good luck presenting that paper in that San Francisco Dad! you explained what the paper is about, but I don´t understand any of that haha. I hope the people you are going to talk to understand! haha.

I hope you all have a great week! I love you all very very much!

Love Isaac

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