Monday, May 30, 2011



So to answer your questions, if I remember them all...

I am junior companion still. My companion is not all the way obedient, but it is not too bad. Not as bad as I thought it would be anyway. We get along though. it is just tough to not get too much done. But i think i am here to help him out. umm... dad, the emergency transfer was because i think an american showed up. also, it could be because there were two elders that argued pretty bad i geuss and that might have been the reason too.. I am not exactly sure. it is all just rumors. I just know that I was transferred and am here in tiangua haha. and mom, elder donizeti is still in parnaiba. tiangua is smaller than parnaiba. it is a small town with only one ward. it is close to dividing though. they shut down the chapel to knock it down and build a bigger better one. we will be having church in a rented house now. and baptisms will be in a river close by. that will be cool...

Speaking of baptisms, we will have one this coming saturday. his name is jose maria. all of his family are members, but he has always had a drinking problem, and when they all joined the church 13 years ago, he couldnt stop drinking. but 13 years later, a lady in the ward thought that he would be ready. when we got there the frist time, he had already stopped drinking for a couple of days and was definately in the right path. The spirit was very strong when we taught the plan of salvation and we invited him to be baptized. To everyones surprise, that have known him over the years, he accepted. It was very spiritual. It is my very favorite thing when some one accepts to be baptized and repent. I looked at his wife, who has been patiently waiting for 13 years for him to make the decision, and she had a great big smile on her face. Also, his daughter was very excited too. it was a very special moment for that family.

He is showing great signs of improvment and is really repenting of his sins. He joined alcoholics annonymous and is praying every night with his wife for help. Everyone feels he will be ready this saturday. It is exciting.

Your trip that you planed sounds way exciting! I am jealous. You will see a lot of great stuff! Be sure to take pictures of stuff and send them to me! I want to see what the other side of the US looks like. i hope you all have a great time there! and travel safely!

I guess I dont have much to say today... you dont need to worry about me being disobedient. I am doing my best out here. If i were disobedient, I would come home with all kinds of regrets, and I dont want that.

I love you all so much! good luck with everything in the coming week! I hope it all goes well for you! I think and pray for you all every day!

Love, Isaac

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