Monday, May 2, 2011

5.2.11 Still in Parnaiba

Good morning!

It seems like you all want to know if I was transferred... I wasn´t. It is lookin like I will be here for at least another 6 weeks. I don´t know for sure if all the transfers are done, but the calls to Parnaíba came late Saturday night. Both of the other elders in my district were transferred. As of now Elder Donizeti and me are still together in Ramo 2 do Parnaíba. It is getting a little tough to find things to do. It is hard to stay motivated when both of us want a transfer haha. We don´t have any problems with each other, we are both just tired of the area. But, we will find a way to stay happy.. haha.

There district conference yesterday and President Dias came up here to talk in the conference. He gave an awesome talk and said EXACTLY what one of our investigators needed to hear. It was amazing. Also, we have been helping a less active member come back to church and stop drinking. And because of his drinking problem he and his wife were going to separate. But he was there too and all of the talks seemed to be directed toward him. President Dias said something that I think was just for him. He was talking about 2 roads... The easier path, and the better path and that it is always worth it at the end of the better way. Well, he said one sentence that helped out a lot. He said, ´´In marriage, the easier way is divorce... but the better, righter way is repentance.´´ Afterward the less active member came up to us and said, can you come over today to talk about these talks?! haha. It was really great.

Our investigators are doing really great. The ones we have are having a hard time accepting baptism. One guy, Marcio, finally told us EVERYTHING and now we know how to help him.. We talked to President about what to do with him and he said in 3 months he should be ready for baptism. (he had some problems that are confidential) So we will mark his baptism for him for the first saturday in August. I could still be here for it.. haha.

Dad, congratulations on the new calling! I think I was in the 3rd stake in one of my apartments. President Eyring´s son was my stake president in the 3rd stake I think. Is he still the stake president? I went to FHE in the bishoprics houses. They were pretty fun. Most of the students are pretty fun so I am sure you will like it a lot!

Mom, for mothers day I will call home I think from a members house this time. There is a member in my branch that has a daughter living in the States and so I think I can call from there fast and then you guys can call me back like last time. I will call you the day before to let you know. But if I call from the members house, it will be at about 1 o´clock Parnaíba time. I don´t know the time difference for there... We have lunch at her house and so after lunch I will call. If her house doesn´t work out, I will go to the church again and call you... and it will be after lunch at 1ish... I don´t remember the number of the church but I will figure it out if I use the phone there.

Oh, I finally ate somethin that you guys will think is gross. I ate some cow intestines. We were talking to a member one day about food and he was naming off things that are a little weird... Then he asked if we ever have eaten cow intestines and I was like no... and he was surprised and said that it is his favorite food and that he will make it for us the next day. So on Friday we go over there and sure enough, he had cow intestines all cooked and ready for us haha. The flavor was pretty good. But they were slimey and chewy... and I couldn´t get out of my head what had passed through there before... It was hard to eat haha. I just kept puttin it in my mouth and chewed and swallowed fast... They really weren´t that bad tasting, but the texture was gross.. My comp. really liked it though haha. He ate like 3 plates haha. But I am glad I finally ate something weird.

Anyway, It sounds like things are great for you. I am glad you got my letters. I am really greatful for all of you and for all the things I have learned from each of you. I love you all SOOOO much!! Have a great week and I can´t wait to talk to you on Sunday!!!

Love Isaac

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