Monday, October 24, 2011

10.24.11 Good Week & Happy Birthday Dad!

Good morning fam!

I will answer moms questions first..
What new and exciting things have you eaten lately? Nothing really too exciting. I ate chicken heart a little while ago. it was tasty. There really isn´t too much varaity here. I have only been served buchada 2 times... which is cow stomach... and i always try it and then remember that it is gross and just eat my beans and rice quietly. You have to at least eat a little of everything the members put on the table or they will think that they aren´t a good cook.

How is the weather besides it summer there? The weather in Tianguá is getting cold again. It has been really hot here, but last Sunday it rained for a little bit, and then Wednesday and Thursday rained a ton... It got pretty cold those days and I was so cold I used a long sleeve shirt to work in on Thurdsay. It was about 75 degrees i think! But now it is back to being hot during the day, but at night it is getting pretty cold.

What type of things do you cook for yourself? I think Dad will be happy about this answer.. I make mush in the morning for breakfast. I am gettin pretty good. I don´t know if I can make a pot like Dad´s, but everyday I am gettin better. And then for dinner I don´t eat much... if my companion makes food and offers me some I will eat it.. Sometimes I go to the bread store across the street on the way home and buy some french bread and eat it with butter...

How much will it cost Denis and Leila to get married? Why don't you help them? It will cost them 90 reais. He has got the money now I think, but they postponed the wedding into December because they decided they want to do something a little nicer than just go downtown and sign a paper. They want to do a little reception in the church and make it nice to remember I think. If I am here when it is closer to the wedding and if the need anything I will help them out.

How would you feel about running a half marathon when you get home? sign me up

Do you know the Book of Mormon is true? Without a doubt. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I love studying the Book of Mormon. Right now I am in the war chapters in Alma (im in alma 49 now) and I am learning a ton about how we can always be ready for the attacks of the adversary. We always need to be one step in front and always strengthening the weak areas in our life so when the temptations and attacks come, we are ready and in the end, just like the Lamanites, the devil runs away with fear. I know that there is something for everyone in the Book of Mormon and when we read it, we can feel the love of God for us and the Holy Ghost will testify to our hearts that it is true.

So this week was pretty good. It started out slowly... But on Wednesday morning we left Tianguá at 5:30 in the morning to go to Sobral for interviews with president Dias. They were really good. He taught me the importance to talk to EVERYONE. And I explained to him our problem of our investigators not doing their part.. and he explained that everyone I talk to has a friend or neighbor and I need to do my part as a missionary and ask them for referrals. Because they might know someone that will actually keep the committments. So I have been doing that.. Talking to everyone, and if they accept us or not, i ask for a referral... Not much sucess yet, but I am sure it will come.

We did a contact with a guy in the street and I think he is golden. He was great and really got into the lesson we taught and asked questions and accepted the invitations we extended. It was really good. He already had a work appointment for sunday so he didn´t go to church, but he will next week. I am excited for him. His name is George Wilson.

Dad, my companion had his wisdom teeth pulled a while ago. He is pretty much back to 100% health wise... ha. He is strugglin to stay positive though because he wants a trasnfer... He says he is just tired of the area and that is has nothing to do with me... I hope.. ha. But I now I just have to almost pull him out of the house. He is dead. haha. But when I get him out of the house, we work well.

And I talk with Dane a little. Every once in a while we send an email with an update about our missions. That is awesome that he gets home soon. I knew he was going home in November. From his emails to me he sounds like he loved his mission and had a great time.

And just one last think... HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY DAD!!!! I hope your day is a great one and remember that even though you are 50, that doesn´t mean you are too old to have fun. I am sure you don´t feel old though.. haha. I hope Thursday is a great day for you. I will be thinking about you. I love you!

Thank you for everything you guys do for me! I am greatful that you are my family. I couldn´t ask for a better family. I love you all and have a great week!

Love Isaac

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