Good morning...
I feel like I was typing my last email yesterday... This week went by way fast
It was a pretty good week. We are starting to have success again. My companion still isn´t too excited to leave everyday to go to work, but once we get out there he gets better. (He goes home in Febuary and is getting way trunky) But during the week we just did a ton of contacts on the street to maybe find a couple of good investigators. We ended up finding 20 new investigators. I feel like whenever I share with you a story of a new investigator, the very next day they end up dropping us or something dumb happens... but i will tell you about a family we found...
So we were walking down the street and just talking about something random, and my companion just stopped and started talking to this kid named Roberto. I didn´t know my companion stopped until I realized I was talking to myself for like 4 more steps ha, and I looked back and he was stopped at this kids porch. But anyway, we started teaching right there , first thing, because that is the best way to get people interested. We talked about the restoration really fast and then presented a Book of Mormon and gave him it to read and to pray about. He was way excited and kept thanking us over and over for the present haha.
So fast forward a couple of days when we went back to see if he read and prayed.... We went into his house and started teaching the whole lesson about the Restoration of the Gospel and within 2 minutes his sister showed up in the little room we were in. So we started teaching her too... then Robertos mom showed up and started listening... then their dad came and sat down to listen and then the grandma (who i don´t think understood anything) but everyone was there. So we got done teaching and I felt I should invite them to all be baptized. I started with the dad, and asked when he has an answer from God, if he would follow Christ, being baptized... and he accepted! After the dad accepts it is a lot easier for everyone else... so the mom was next and she accepted then Fernanda (the sister).. she accepted.. and then Roberto accepted. Everyone was very excited haha. Then Roberto said that the other night when we started talking to him he felt completely different. And then the mom said that she was listening to us talk to him that night and she had been stressed all day, but when we were talking to her son, the stress went away and she felt calm... And in my mind I was just like ´´YEEESSS!!!`` haha. I think my dream will come true in baptizing a whole family!
Just pray that nothing stops them from investigating the church! haha.
Dad, I am glad to hear about your new goal... before my mission I didn´t study the scriptures very often. There was a time when I was reading every night before sleeping in my room.. but then I got prideful I guess haha. but I hope that after my mission I will remember what i leared and taught to thousands of people to read every single day. Through the scriptures, we will learn what we need to do during that day, and during our lifes. I have a stong testimony now of the strength and help that comes from the scriptures. They are true!
And Mom... i hope everything goes well and that you don´t have cancer.... I will definatly pray for you! I hope the doctors find out exactly what it is... and if it is in fact cancer, that it can be taken care of! I love you!
I hope that everyone has a good week! i love you all very much! And happy halloween!! (there is going to be a big party in Tiangua tonight it looks like... i won´t be going... haha. )
Love Isaac
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