Monday, April 16, 2012

4.16.12 Apple Pie

Well it sounds like things are crazy back at home! I guess my prayers
were answered. From the emails you guys were sending it sounded like
you were pretty serious about the change and so I was praying that
everything would work out for the best and that you would get the job
at Shell. I am excited! That will be way cool. I don´t know how I feel
about you guys not living in Idaho anymore... That will definately be
weird. But I am happy for you. It will be awesome to get to know
another part of the US. Maybe I could go to school there in Houston
when I get home.. I don´t know if that would be possible but I could
keep dad company if I went there. (I don´t like BYUI too much, it was
just the easier thing to do)

Mom, I liked what that recent convert said. It is very true about not
being converted at baptism. We find a lot of people that want to be
completly converted before they get baptized.. which just isn´t
possible.. I believe before baptism you need to have a testimony of
the restoration and of the plan of salvation and of the gospel. You
need to commit to live the commandments and repent of the ones you
were breaking. Then you go into the waters of bapitsm promissing that
you will keep the commandments and basically live the Gospel
principles. Baptism is the start of the path, not the end. Some people
don´t understand that. They think that they need to know everything
and go to church for 5 years to get baptized. But what you need is a
desire to make a covenant with God and the desire to keep that

Oh, I talked to Elder Eberhardt and he said that for sure I am going
home on the 12th and that he is fixing the problem and switching the
tickets. You guys will get a new email or whatever telling you the
flight plans. He said it is a slow process and that he is working on
it and it will all be taken care of.

Speaking of coming home.. I was talking to my companion about apple
pie... I really want one of those when I get home. That is just about
as american as you can get I think. So just be prepared to make me one

Our investigators are doin well. We are teaching an 82 year old man
named Luiz. I haven´t ever taught anyone that old before. He is
partially deaf and so we have to shout the lessons to him haha. And it
was pretty tough for him to understand my accent for a while, so I
would just sit there and tell my companion to say what I wanted to
say. But now he is warmin up to my accent and we can communicate now
haha. He went to chruch yesterday. That was awesome! He absolutely
loved it. He participated in the Gospel principles class and bore his
testimony yesterday at the pulpit. (yesterday was fast sunday for some
reason) And he told the gospel principles teacher that God sent two
servents of Jesus Christ to his house and that he felt in his heart
that this is the path. We will talk to him about getting baptized next
sunday after church. He is so awesome. He is a funny old man.

Things are going great here in timon. I love it. We are going to a
place called Encontro dos Rios here in a little it. IT is where two
rivers meet (poty and parnaĆ­ba rivers) and I think it will be fun. It
will be nice to leave here for a day.

I hope that Abigail has a great birthday on Saturday! I am excited for
you! I will think for you and I hope you can feel my love. I will send
some love vibes to ya haha.

Have a great week this week! Thank you for all you do for me and for
the prayers and everything. You are all the best!

Love Isaac

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