Monday, January 9, 2012

1.9.12 Awesome Week

Good morning!

This week was pretty good. So here is the big surprise... I am still in Timon. But my companion was transferred and I got a new one. His name is Elder Cruz. He is from Rio Grande do Sul. Way in the south of Brazil. He has been a member all his life. When he was 11, his mom died from medical problems. I am not exactly sure what problems, but they did a surgery and the conditions got worse. They were expecting her to not live for much longer and one day she died. His dad has since remarried and he really likes his step-mom. They are all members in his family. He has one week in the mission field. So with that said, you can know that I am training him. One of the most humbling things I have done. I don´t think I was prideful before, but just with all the trust of President Dias and the Lord, it is way humbling. 11 missionaries showed up with him. I am excited and I am loving to train. It is a good experience.

So we have an investigator named Antonio. He is a really really good guy. He doesn´t talk much at all, and so it is hard to know if he is feeling anything, or if he is actually learning. But we marked a baptismal date with him for the 21st, and I think that made all the difference. He just took off progressing. He is opening up to us more and talking about his feelings. He is really changing a lot. The gospel seems to do that to people. But yesterday he gave us a referral, and I didn´t know where it was so I asked him to go with us. He did gladly. We set up another time to go back and he said he will go with us. Then after that we had more appoitments to go to, and he wanted to keep workin with us so we let him. These are really good signs that he knows what we are teaching is true because he wants to help others receive the same blessings. It is really cool to see. He is already better than some members here. Antonio is a great guy.

That is great to hear that Melanie got married. I am happy for her. She was always saying that she wouldn´t ever get married. She seemed pretty worried about it when I was working with her. I am glad she is happy now.

I don´t have to speak in church too often. Probably once every 3 months... if that. It isn´t a big deal for me to speak in church now. I am gettin good at following the spirit and being able to talk about something for a while and make it make sense.

For income here, people just work way hard. (well some) Usually the jobs are all blue-collar type of jobs, but it gets the families what they need. The job situation in the northeast of brazil is tough. The 3 states that my mission covers are the 3 poorest states in Brazil. But generally the people are very happy and are thankful for what they have. I think that is why so many people are open to the Gospel, because God is about all they have..... And the hospitals are a little iffy. I am very glad I haven´t had to do anything there. I don´t like they way the hospitals work. It is free for everyone and so people just go there and the doctors have to get everyone in and so they end up not giving too much time to people and I don´t know if they really get the needs of the patient covered. Its just like get in, here is the generic prescription, and now leave so the next person can get it. At least that is what I saw when i was in Tianguá.

The members go to Recife to go to the temple. it is like a day and half trip. They get to go 2 times a year. The problem is is that not everyone gets to go because they get one bus a stake, and so there isn´t room for everyone. i think the priorities are families going to be sealed, and other members that will do the endowment for the first time. usually the youth don´t get to go because they bus is full of adults. When fotaleza is finished, it will be a lot better for the members here. It is only 12 hours away from Teresina. So they can go like once every 3 months or so...

I am glad that you guys are doing great! i love you all so much and I hope your week is amazing.

Love Isaac

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