Monday, January 2, 2012

1.2.12 New Year

ola minha querida família.
This week was alright. everyone is still on the holiday mode and a lot of people don´t have to work this week and so there was just a ton of drinking everynight. That is what the people in general like to do. It wasn´t the best week on my mission, but it was alright... haha.

New years was good. Me and my companion had to go to Caxias so he could do some baptismal interviews for the elders there and so we spent most of the day traveling and doin stuff in the other city. We got back at like 830 in my area. We ordered some pizzas and some coke to celebrate the new year and played a little card game... haha it was lame. we were both in bed at 11. But I couldn´t sleep because there was always someone shooting off fireworks. then at 1155 till like 1230 it just went crazy outside and there was non stop fireworks. They were shootin them off in the soccer field behind our house and so it was impossible to sleep. The fireworks here are really really lame too. I have a video I will show you when I get home, but they are just a tiny bit better than a bottle rocket.

haha Mom, you pulled off britney pretty well! haha I got a good laugh at that. Dad looked pretty gangsta too. I am glad he didn´t choose that path for his life though! haha. It was weird to see him in that kind of clothes. I am glad you guys had a good new years party though.

oh, and tell miranda to watch out... I think all of those boys you listed are returned missionaries.... they are on the hunt now. I am sure mindy is lovin it, but just watch out.. haha.

So, as of now, I haven´t heard of anyone getting transferred, but I am sure there will be some calls. A ton of people went home this transfer. I don´t think I will get moved because i only have 2 months here in timon.

There are a couple things I am needing if it isn´t a big problem... You can make it my birthday package if you were planning on sending one... if you weren´t planning on sending a bday package then now you can start haha. I need some more deodorant. The old spice you sent once was really really good... i think it is called sweat defence..(writtin in big letters) That stuff was way good. And also a consecrated oil thing to give blessings. My companion is needing one... Just a normal or big sized one he would like. And some beef jerkey. He loves beef jerkey and him talking about it gave me the craving too.. haha.

Anyway, I love you all! have a fantastic week!

Love Isaac

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