Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Letter 2011

This is a great time of the year. I always loved being around everyone at home... doing our christmas eve program. All of my best Christmas memories are from that simple program. But now I am in Brazil.. for the second straight Christmas. Even though it is extremely hot, and there aren´t very many lights, and most people are drunk, I can still feel the spirit of Christmas.

2011 years ago, the Messiah came to the earth! That is one of the most exciting and most anticipated things that ever happened in the history of the earth. At this time of year we all remember His birth a little more. It truley was a miraculus (I can´t spell anymore) thing. But we should all remember why He came here in the first place...

He came to show us the way. He came to show us how to live. He came to teach us. He showed us how to be baptized, how to act, how to serve, and how to love. He did so many things that none of the books could contain everything that He did. We only have a small accout of his works. But His mission was much more that all of that. He came to the Earth to be our Savior.

There was no one that could have done what He did. He sufferend for each of our sins. He knew us at that time, and He was fully aware of us. He loves us so much, that he went through all of that pain, and torture, and even died...just for you... I often sit there thinking about that. I want to testify that I know He is the savior and redemer of the world. He died, and ressurected. He lives and we should continue to accept his invitation to follow him.

This part is for Grandma and Grandpa... Please remember the things Christ has done for you. Remeber all of the blessings you have received in your lives. I know life is hard.. almost every single day. But, certainly God has been blessing you with something throughout all of the hard times. I am serving a mission for the Lord. I am his servant and His representative. As a representative of Him, I am supposed to do and say exactly what he would say and do. So, I am inviting you, as He did, to follow Him. Show some faith in Him and learn about the Restored Gospel. Just give a tiny part of your heart to hear this ´good news` I love you so much, and the Savior loves you so much.

I love you all and I hope you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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